Ian R Wheeldon


Chemical Environ Engineering Dept

ian.wheeldon@ucr.edu | iwheeldon@engr.ucr.edu

(951) 827-2471

Short URL https://profiles.ucr.edu/ian.wheeldon
Website http://www.engr.ucr.edu/~iwheeldon/home.html


Prior to arriving at UCR, Dr. Wheeldon was a post-doctoral fellow at Brigham Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. As a postdoc, he developed new methods of high throughput biomaterials synthesis and screening. His doctoral research focused on the development of multi-functional enzymatic hydrogels for biofuel cells. This work built on his previous studies at the University of Buenos Aires, where he was a visiting scholar studying the electrochemistry of biological molecules. Dr. Wheeldon received his Master’s degree in Applied Science from the Royal Military College of Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Brant Peppley, where he worked on fuel reforming and hydrogen purification technologies for high and low temperature fuel cells.

His current research interests include biocatalysis, biologically inspired engineering, protein engineering, synthetic biology, adaptive materials, and bioenergy.


AFOSR, Young Investigator Award, 2013


Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, 2009

Departments / Programs

  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas

  • Biotechnology and Biomolecular Engineering

Office Information

Office Location: Bourns Hall B319
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